Audio to Video: A Song Adds More Character to Its Story

Mat Zucker
2 min readJul 16, 2022

The Cidiot anthem, inspired by the popular Hudson Valley podcast, is now an animated video

I previously wrote in Publishing Well about how the local music team of El Sueco and The Don and I together released a single earlier this year on Spotify, Apple Music, and Soundcloud. In the piece, I talk about the pitch, the process, and the launch.

A little pop, a little hip hop, a little soul, a little sarcastic, and very truthful, the song is the story of a guy trying to fit in and get used to a new life moving from the city to the country. It’s the spirit of the bi-weekly podcast but captured in a three-minute standalone single.

From audio podcast to audio single to music video

Paul Rivers Bailey, one of the performers, writers and producers suggested we push the idea into video. Video would tell the story visually and share the story and spirit of Cidiot with new listeners. One thing we learned releasing the single as an audio track is that it’s hard to get traction as an indie without a full album. Video would be bright, loud, fun, funny, and, hopefully, turn heads and win hearts.



Mat Zucker

Marketing + content leader. Host: Rising & Cidiot podcasts. Author of career guidebook and memoir: Bronze Seeks Silver.